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Oracle Magic Hearts

Article: orakl006
In stock
Quantity, шт:
4 000 rub
  • Condition New
  • Manufacturer country Russia
  • Company "Veligor" Moscow
  • Subject matter Oracle
  • Number of cards 88 cards + 2 additional cards + instructions
  • Year of publication 2020
I present to you the oracle "Magic of Hearts", dedicated to the theme of love and relationships in a couple. He will help you figure it out

and better understand your partner, find out the true motives of the relationship, see all the pitfalls and avoid

incorrect steps that can lead to undesirable situations. On the oracle, you can not only view

situations, but also use it in magical practice, adjusting and constructing the situations you need. Also, the deck

will give answers to questions related to work, which you will read in detail about in the instructions. The Oracle will become your friend and

assistant for every day.
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