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Oracle Lenormand Paints of the East

Article: orakl005
In stock
Quantity, шт:
3 000 rub
  • Condition New
  • Manufacturer country Russia
  • Company "Veligor" Moscow
  • Subject matter Oracle
  • Number of cards 38+ instructions
  • Year of publication 2020
We present to you a bright, unusual Oracle Lenormand "Colors of the East", in which each card has

with your face and your character. The deck will immerse you in a warm oriental atmosphere, while the absence

an active background will not distract from predictive work and will not make its own adjustments to the interpretation.

Here you will find two additional cards - Child and Owl, which you can use at will.

Maps will become you not only reliable helpers, but will also give you aesthetic pleasure.

every time you use them. And collectors of rare decks will not remain indifferent to the unusual

the art style of the Oracle.
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